A long month passed by in the blink of an eye yet giving me the chance to make what I consider my master piece of drawing (notice I'm only comparing to myself, that so called modesty I rarely use XD) kind of celebrating I've been drawing for ten years now (You won't belive my mom helped me to do the school jobs because I was affraid of doing it all wrong as far as 2nd grade of junior high) which has taught me a lot and made me even dream of achiveing big goals with it.
My tools have been always the Inkscape and GIMP freewares 'cause I'm so-against piracy and couldn't afford (nor want to...) Adobe tools back then; also a good-ol' mouse for tracing (I'm affraid a doctor will make me regret that in the future with an artritis diagnostic) and just recently and for my last drawing only: a tablet (...which arrived a little late so it only helped with the trees and a couple of clothing details).
Drawing has become so important on my life that even sometimes I tought of droping my IT career and start something more artistical, but yet I like programming so those are just my emo-moments XD, back in the old days of highschool I got to draw 3-4 works daily, now-a-days due to work I can hardly make 1 a week, but I refuse to lose practice or quit drawing cause somehow I got myself convinced that I do it great and can even become better; which tells me that so far the popular saying: "Practice makes the master", is one of the most important truths of life, not only a simple saying.
I hope this marks the begining of a new journey on my life because I'll take drawing more seriously now on, I have some goals on my TO-DO list about that which I've been delaying due to lots of things but, now that we are so close to the new year (...and New Sun/End of Time according to the Mayans) I can make this my purpose, to make more drawings like this one (Diana at fountain) so Ican proudly show them to the world. (12 a year sound good for at least makeing a calendar , hehehehe)
I like the anime/manga style the most (over USA comic or cartoon for instance), because of the persue of saying the most with the less lines, therefore I use some authors of manga as model to perfection, like Yukito Kishiro (Gunnm) or CLAMP, but I also love my roots as mexican, and wish always to reflect this love on my works, I procure to draw slightly tanned skin rather than the snow-white mostly used on anime as well as strong and prominent lips and nose, this in order to make my draws as close as possible to my race's features; as per the colour of the eyes, I love brown eyes but I use other colours for theeir meaning on my stories (like the deep blue I used on the draw linked above). So my ultimate goal is to use the art born at the Far East in the most mexica ( Gentilic for the Azteca people, one of the most important cultures of prehispanic Latin America) way, looking forward to make an appealing fusion.
PD.- The title is intended a pun about an article the guys of Top Gear wrote about the only sports car made in Méxcio (The Mastreta MX), which sounded quite funny yet a little offensive for me, hehehehe, (but the fun part won over the political one hands down)